TTI Wins the LED Lighting
Project at JPL
In order to improve energy consumption, lower energy costs, and to raise environmental awareness, Transpacific Technologies implemented the LED lighting technology at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The energy contract started in 2009 and will end in 2012.
Transpacific Technologies completed the following:
Project management
Financial analysis
Market research
Site Surveying
LED lamps sample testing
Retrofitted 204 streetlights and two parking garages with energy efficient LED lights
The 2012 LED Lighting Project consist of the following:
New installation of 241 LED wall packs
New installation of 21 high-power LED fixtures to replace 400W and 1000W HPS fixtures
Retrofitting 12 100W HPS streetlights with 28W LED mogul base lamps
Retrofitting 189 75W medium base lamps with 6W LED lamps
Project management
Financial analysis
Market research
Site Surveying